
Hi there.

I’m really excited that you’re here.

What I hope for this site is that you can learn, engage, and hopefully learn a few things that will help you leave the world a little better than you found it.

Lesson Fourty-Four: CliMates

Lesson Fourty-Four: CliMates

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With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, this lesson will focus on ways to show your love for the planet and be a cli🌱mate! I mean, what better valentine to have than the freaking planet?!

This lesson is meant to equip you with some easy and accessible actions that may seem small, but can go a loooooong way! Excited to hear what you think and hoping you can try at least ONE out.


Follow one new climate-focused account (preferably, an account that shares different perspectives than you to help broaden your understanding). Some are some 🔥 Instagram accounts to follow:

@greengirlleah | @wastefree.vee | @pattiegonia | @melaninbasecamp | @theeecogoddess | @going.zero.waste


Learn from one new source about the planet. I have a full list of the resources page of the site but here are some easy-entry resources that I want to highlight:

BOOK: We Are the Weather by Jonathan Safran Foer
DOCUMENTARY: A Life on Our Planet
BLOG: NASA Climate Blog
PODCAST: Climate Conversations by MIT Climate


Talk about the climate with your friends/family. According to a Yale study*, 70% believe in climate change, but only 37% of people actually talk about it occasionally. Talking about it doesn’t have to be scary - start by sharing your favourite moment in nature, or trends you’ve noticed. Just remember to be respectful and open minded as everyone has a different background than you. ✌️


Sign one petition on change.org to support climate action. Some options on change.org:

  1. End Food Waste In Canada

  2. Mandatory Deposit on Plastic Bottled Water Now!

  3. Canadian Youth Demand Climate Action


Try one new “eco-friendly”  action for a week. A few options:

🔌 Unplug your appliances after every use to prevent phantom energy

🛍 Bring re-useable bags grocery shopping

🚿 Limit showers to no more than 5 min 

🥬 Swap a meal that usually includes meat for a meat-free one 


If your love for the planet is super spicy 🔥, you can write a political rep about the planet. A few topics you can advocate for:

🌱 More green spaces

🚨 More investment to combat systemic racism (contributing to environmental justice) 

♻️ More recycling awareness programs

🐝 Planting more bee-friendly plants

Hope you enjoyed this list! If you have anything to add, please reach out! I always love hearing from you!

Lesson Fourty-Five: Electric Vehicles

Lesson Fourty-Five: Electric Vehicles

Lesson Fourty-Three: The Albedo Effect

Lesson Fourty-Three: The Albedo Effect